- catch red-handed
- заста́ть на ме́сте преступле́ния
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary.. 2014.
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary.. 2014.
catch red-handed — catch (someone) red handed to discover someone doing something illegal or wrong. I caught him red handed trying to break into my car. (often + doing something) … New idioms dictionary
catch red-handed — {v. phr.} /To apprehend a person during the act of committing an illicit or criminal act./ * /Al was caught red handed at the local store when he was trying to walk out with a new camera he had not paid for./ … Dictionary of American idioms
catch red-handed — {v. phr.} /To apprehend a person during the act of committing an illicit or criminal act./ * /Al was caught red handed at the local store when he was trying to walk out with a new camera he had not paid for./ … Dictionary of American idioms
catch\ red-handed — v. phr. To apprehend a person during the act of committing an illicit or criminal act. Al was caught red handed at the local store when he was trying to walk out with a new camera he had not paid for … Словарь американских идиом
red-handed — /rɛd ˈhændəd / (say red handuhd) phrase catch red handed, to discover in the very act of a crime or other deed: to catch a thief red handed …
red-handed — adj catch sb red handed to catch someone at the moment when they are doing something wrong ▪ Earl was caught red handed taking the money … Dictionary of contemporary English
catch someone red-handed — catch (someone) red handed to discover someone doing something illegal or wrong. I caught him red handed trying to break into my car. (often + doing something) … New idioms dictionary
catch someone red-handed — If someone is caught red handed, they are found doing something wrong or illegal … The small dictionary of idiomes
catch somebody red-handed — catch sb red ˈhanded idiom to catch sb in the act of doing sth wrong or committing a crime Main entry: ↑catchidiom … Useful english dictionary
red-handed — adjective catch sb redhanded to catch someone at the moment when they are doing something wrong: Earl was caught red handed taking money from the register … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
catch someone red-handed — If someone is caught red handed, they are found doing something wrong or illegal. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions